Aim for ACT Success Course
Topics & Worksheets

Topic 1. Week 1

01. Initial Full Length Practice Test

Topic 2. Week 2

01. Capitalization
02. Punctuation Marks
03. Punctuation - Comma (,)
04. Punctuation - Quotation Marks ('' '')
05. Punctuation - Period (.)
06. Punctuation - Exclamation (!)
07. Punctuation - Question Mark (?)
08. Punctuation - Apostrophe (')
09. Punctuation - Semicolon (;)
10. Punctuation - Colon (:)
11. Punctuation - Hyphen (-), Dash (—)
12. Punctuation - Parentheses ( )
13. Type of Numbers: Natural, Whole, Integers, Rational, Irrational & Real
14. Whole Numbers - Review Test
15. Scientific Notation for Fractional Numbers
16. Scientific Notation for Decimal Numbers
17. Scientific Notation for Natural Numbers
18. Integers: Four Basic Operations Using Signed Numbers - Table
19. GCD - Prime Factors Method
20. Factors and Multiples
21. Real Numbers Review Test
22. GCD - Division Method (Euclid Algorithm)
23. LCM - Prime Factors Method
24. LCM - Division Method
25. Decimals Review
26. empty 2394
27. Ratios Review
28. Integer Exponents
29. Negative Exponents
30. Linear Equations - One Variable
31. Probability
32. Statistics: Mean, Median, Mode and Range
33. Statistics and Graphs: Bar Graphs, Line graphs, Pictographs and Tally Marks

Topic 3. Week 3

01. English - Grammar and Usage
02. Properties of Exponents
03. Properties of Square Roots Review
04. Solving Equations
05. Linear Equations - One Variable
06. Linear Equations - Two Variables
07. Linear Equations in Two Variables- Solving by the Method of Substitution
08. Linear Equations in Two Variables- Solving by the Method of Elimination
09. Linear Equation - Three Variables
10. Solve the Equations Using Graphs - I
11. Solve the Equations Using Graphs - II
12. Review I
13. Quadratic Equations - I
14. Quadratic Equations - II
15. Factorization of any Quadratic Polynomial - I
16. Factorization of any Quadratic Polynomial - II
17. Factorization Review Test
18. Factorization Review - II
19. Quadratic Equations Review Test

Topic 4. Week 4

01. English - Sentence Structure
02. Solving Quadratic Equations by Method of Factorization
03. Solving Equations Reducible to Quadratic Form
04. Reciprocal Equation
05. Solving Quadratic Equation by Using Quadratic Formula
06. Relation Between Roots and Coefficients of a Quadratic Equation
07. Forming a Quadratic Equation Using Its Roots
08. Nature of the Roots of a Quadratic Equation
09. Square Roots and Algebraic Expressions Review
10. Square Roots of Algebraic Expressions Review - I
11. Square Roots of Algebraic Expressions Review - II
12. Important Points in Matrices
13. Matrices Review
14. Solving Inequations

Topic 5. Week 5

01. Writing a Five Paragraph Essay
02. Coordinate Geometry - Review
03. Graphs for Constant Coordinates
04. Graph for Straight Line y = x
05. Graph of y = x, y = 2x, y = (1/2)x and y = (1/3)x
06. Graph of y = -x, y = -2x, y = -(1/2)x and y = -(1/3)x
07. Y - Intercept (Using graph)
08. Y - Intercept (Problems)
09. Slope - I
10. Slope - II
11. Proof for Slope (X - axis and Y - axis)
12. Distance Between Two Points
13. Mid Point of the Segment Joining Two Points
14. The Point Slope Form of a Line
15. The Two Points Form of A Line
16. Intercept Form of a Line
17. Parallel Lines & Perpendicular Lines - Slope
18. Writting Equations in Y - intercept Form
19. Solve the Equations Using Graphs - I
20. Solve the Equations Using Graphs - II
21. Graph for x ³ 3
22. Graph for y £ -2
23. Graph for x > 2
24. Graph for y > 5
25. Graph for y ³ x + 3
26. Graph for y < 2x+1
27. Linear Inequalities: Solutions Using Graphing
28. Inequation Review Test
29. Inequation Review - II

Topic 6. Week 6

01. Informational Reading Strategies
02. Rosa Parks Biography
03. Paragraph Organizer
04. Writing Fluent Sentences
05. Parallel Lines - Corresponding and Alternative Angles
06. Parallel Lines - Interior Angles are Supplementary - I
07. Parallel Lines - Corresponding Angles
08. Parallel Lines - Interior Angles are Supplementary - II
09. Parallel Lines and Transversal
10. Parallel Rays
11. Triangles And Polygons Review
12. Congruent Triangles
13. Right Triangle - Pythagorean Theorem
14. Circles and Concurrent Lines in Triangles - Review
15. Quadrilaterals - Review
16. Types of Quadrilaterals
17. Relation Between Quadrilaterals
18. Find The Area of The Given Figure
19. Formula - Areas For 2 Dimensional Shapes
20. Formulas - Perimeter of Two Dimensional Figures
21. Formulas - Volumes of Three Dimensional Shapes
22. Formulas - Area of Circles
23. Formulas - Area of Triangles
24. Formulas - Area of Quadrilaterals
25. Geometry Word Problems
26. Important Points - Areas
27. Important Points in Circles
28. Geometry Formulas Summary
29. Formulas - Surface and Lateral Surface Areas of Solids
30. Trasformations Review - Reflection, Rotation, Translation and Dilation

Topic 7. Week 7

01. Elements of Style
02. Reading Fiction - Strategies
03. The Wise Little Girl

Topic 8. Week 8

01. Final Full Length Practice Test
02. Introduction to Trigonometry: Degrees and Radians
03. Heights and Distances
04. Trignometric Ratios - Sin θ, Cos θ and Tan θ
05. Relations between Sin θ, Cos θ and Tan θ
06. Cosecant, Secant and Cotangent of an Angle
07. Trigonometric Values of Angles